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C Rust Swift Performance and Memory Comparison


A few years ago, I did a programming language performance comparison and a memory management and automatic garbage collection comparison. Recently, Rust and Swift have caught my interest and I do not have much experience with either language. They are intriguing because they both have automatic memory management/cleanup and they both have interesting safety features not found in C. So I decided to learn a bit by doing a performance comparison and a memory comparison. My test system is a 2018 MacBook Pro 6-core i9, with 32GB RAM, running macOS Catalina 10.15.

Performance Comparison Code

perf.c perf.swift
#include < stdio.h >
#include < stdlib.h >

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int element = 0;
    int iteration = 0;
    int iterations = 0;
    int innerloop = 0;
    double sum = 0.0;
    int array_length = 100000000;
    double *array = (double*)malloc(array_length * sizeof(double));

    if (argc > 1)
        iterations = atoi(argv[1]);

    printf("iterations %d\n", iterations);

    for (element = 0; element < array_length; element++)
        array[element] = element;

    for (iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++)
        for (innerloop = 0; innerloop < 1000000000; innerloop++)
            sum += array[(iteration + innerloop) % array_length];

    printf("sum %f\n", sum);
    array = NULL;
    return 0;
use std::env;

fn main() {
    let iterations: usize;
    let mut sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let array_length: usize = 100000000;
    let args: Vec< String > = env::args().collect();
    let mut array: Vec< f64 > = vec![0.0; array_length];

    iterations = (&args[1]).parse().expect("Not a number");

    println!("iterations {}", iterations);

    for element in 0..array_length {
        array[element] = element as f64;

    for iteration in 0..iterations {
        for innerloop in 0..1000000000 {
            sum += array[(iteration + innerloop) % array_length];

    println!("sum {}", sum);
import Swift

var element = 0
var iteration = 0
var iterations = 0
var innerloop = 0
var sum = 0.0
let array_length = 100000000
var array: [Double] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: array_length)

iterations = Int(CommandLine.arguments[1]) ?? 0

print("iterations \(iterations)")

for element in 0...array_length-1 {
	array[element] = Double(element)

for iteration in 0...iterations-1 {
	for innerloop in 0...1000000000-1 {
		sum += array[(iteration + innerloop) % array_length]

print("sum \(sum)")

Performance Results

The performance of C and Rust were remarkably close. The performance of Swift was lackluster. I'm not sure if that result is indicative of the language or if I was just not using the most appropriate language features for this comparison. But I tried to keep things as apples-to-apples as I could. Resident memory usage of all three was very similar. A quick re-test of C and Rust on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 showed similar performance; Rust was just barely behind C.

Execution Time

Resident Memory Usage

Executable Size and Dynamic Links

Memory Comparison Code

mem.c mem.swift
#include < stdio.h >
#include < stdlib.h >
#include < unistd.h >

typedef struct {
    int data1;
    int data2;
} my_data_t;

void allocate(void)
    my_data_t *my_data = NULL;
    my_data_t **array = NULL;
    int element = 0;
    int list_size = 10000000;
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (element = 0; element < list_size; element++) {
        my_data = (my_data_t*)malloc(sizeof(my_data_t));
        my_data->data1 = element;
        my_data->data2 = element;
        array = (my_data_t**)realloc(array, sizeof(my_data_t*)*(element+1));
        array[element] = my_data;
    for (element = 0; element < list_size; element++) {
        my_data = array[element];
        sum += my_data->data1;
        sum += my_data->data2;
#ifdef USE_TRIM
    printf("sum %E\n", sum);

void waitsec(int sec)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < sec; i++)

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    return 0;
use std::thread::sleep;

struct my_data_t {
    data1: usize,
    data2: usize,

fn allocate() {
    let list_size: usize = 10000000;
    let mut array: Vec< my_data_t > = Vec::new();
    let mut sum: f64 = 0.0;
    for element in 0..list_size {
        let mut my_data = my_data_t {data1: 0, data2: 0};
        my_data.data1 = element;
        my_data.data2 = element;
    for element in 0..list_size {
        let my_data = &array[element];
        sum += my_data.data1 as f64;
        sum += my_data.data2 as f64;
    println!("sum {}", sum);

fn waitsec(sec: u32) {
    for _ in 0..sec {

fn main() {
import Swift
import Foundation

struct my_data_t {
    var data1: Int = 0
    var data2: Int = 0

func allocate() {
    let list_size = 10000000
    var array: [my_data_t] = Array()
    var sum = 0.0
    for element in 0...list_size-1 {
        var my_data = my_data_t()
        my_data.data1 = element
        my_data.data2 = element
    for element in 0...list_size-1 {
        let my_data = array[element]
        sum += Double(my_data.data1)
        sum += Double(my_data.data2)
    print("sum \(sum)")

func waitsec(sec: Int) {
    for _ in 0...sec-1 {

waitsec(sec: 10)
waitsec(sec: 600)
waitsec(sec: 600)

Memory Results

macOS Catalina 10.15

All of these did decent compared to some other languages I tested previously. But it is interesting to note that Rust and Swift did not return all free memory to the OS immediately when it went out of scope. I imagine the underlying macOS standard library has some glibc-like logic that decides when to make a system call to return memory to the OS vs managing free memory within the process address space. They do not have a background automatic garbage collector thread, so memory decisions are made as the programs continue to run and allocate/free. That's why there were no memory usage changes during the sleep cycles.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 via VMware Fusion

I am very impressed with Rust on Linux. Memory consumption was very similar to C with explicit malloc_trim (shown in previous tests), meaning it returned memory to the OS sooner than C with just free.


all: \
perf-c-clang \
perf-rust \
perf-swift \
mem-c-clang \
mem-rust \

perf-c-clang: perf.c
	clang -O3 -o perf-c-clang perf.c

	rustc -C opt-level=3 -o perf-rust

perf-swift: perf.swift
	swiftc -O -o perf-swift -emit-executable perf.swift

mem-c-clang: mem.c
	clang -O3 -o mem-c-clang mem.c

	rustc -C opt-level=3 -o mem-rust

mem-swift: mem.swift
	swiftc -O -o mem-swift -emit-executable mem.swift

	rm -f *.o *.so
	rm -f perf-c-clang
	rm -f perf-rust
	rm -f perf-swift
	rm -f mem-c-clang
	rm -f mem-rust
	rm -f mem-swift

run_perf_test: all
	echo "-------------------------------------"
	time -p ./perf-c-clang 100
	time -p ./perf-rust 100
	time -p ./perf-swift 100
	echo "-------------------------------------"

run_mem_test: all
	echo "-------------------------------------"
	./ mem-c-clang &
	./mem-c-clang ; sleep 2
	./ mem-rust &
	./mem-rust ; sleep 2
	./ mem-swift &
	./mem-swift ; sleep 2
	echo "-------------------------------------"